Habit 2: Begin With The End In Mind
Goal oriented and mission driven; they fully comprehend Covey’s principal of “no mission, no margin” and “keeping the main thing, the main thing”. They do the most productive thing possible at any given moment. They develop a vision of what they want to become and use their conscience to decide what values will guide them and what really matters to them. They have a clear vision and destination and set out to follow it. Universities are mission driven; highly effective enrollment advisers internalize the mission and exemplify it. They are “principled – centered” and live by timeless values that drive their behavior
It’s incredibly easy to get caught up in an activity trap, in the busyness of life, to work harder and harder at climbing the ladder of success only to discover that it’s leaning against the wrong wall. – STEPHEN COVEY
These behaviors are present in our team of skilled enrollment professionals. If we can help you grow enrollment, please contact us gswinhart@educationconnex.com.