Reach More. Enroll More.

The goal of your landing page is to drive inquiries and an optimized landing page is what turns a visitor, browsing the internet, into a student enrolled in your program

Let’s put the value of optimizing your landing page in concrete numbers:

Landing pages facilitate conversion. Let’s say you’re university and you are currently getting 200 inquiries from your landing pages. If your saw a conversion rate increase of 10% over that month, you’d see an increase of 40 inquiries (without spending more money) and increasing revenue.

We believe you can increase your conversion rates by more than 20%. Here are some questions to ask as you review your current pages:

1. Do my pages have too much text? Simplicity is key. People skim everything online so use bullet points, headings, hero images and bolded words.
2. What is your Unique Value Proposition (UVP), which is your main selling point. Do you have one? Is it clear, brief and compelling?
3. Do you have an image? Is it appealing and does it flow easily with the page? Does it encourage engagement?
4. How is your CTA? Is the color of the button contrasted with the page? Is it bold and eye catching? Is it in the wrong place?
5. Is there a fair value exchange, their information for your information?
6. Is your Request For Information Form (RFI) too complicated? The goal is the inquiry, not selling the school. How much information do you need or is your RFI getting in the way of conversion?

Lastly, are you testing and optimizing? Since 2008 we have helped non-profit universities increase total enrollment through strategic marketing and conversion support. Please call us today at 877-434-1828 to discuss how we can help you increase inquiries and enrollment or email me at

Greg Swinhart
Senior Vice President
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