Reach More. Enroll More.

There are many ad sources or channels to reach Christian residential and non-traditional learners. However, how can you reach them with a cost effective digital solution? A possible source is mobile. It is a highly targeted traffic source and it is favored by millennials and adults. Like you, we are passionate about Christian higher education and we can execute a campaign that can reach over 90 million Christians.

You Select:
• By Denomination – Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran, Mega Church, Assemblies of God, etc.
• By Location – Region, State, DMA, Zip Code, or even street.
• By Demographic, Age, and Gender.
• Result: Increased yield
• 100% exact custom audience.
• 0% wasted message delivery

Like you, we are passionate about Christian higher education. Since 2008, we have helped Christian Universities grow total enrollment. Please let us help you fulfill your mission. Call us at 877-434-1828