Reach More. Enroll More.

What’s your most successful medium for engaging potential students? In a highly competitive higher education marketplace, understanding which platform results in the most engagement can mean the difference between better student acquisition rates and continued plateau. At EducationConnex, we’re committed to helping our clients do just that: increasing student engagement without dumping more money into the marketing budget.

Our team worked with an accredited, nonprofit university that wasn’t seeing a return on investment through traditional paid advertising. After crunching some numbers, we helped the university determine where they were winning, and where they were losing. When an accredited, non-profit university reached out to EducationConnex after disappointing results with paid and organic digital channels, one of the steps our team took was to analyze traffic by device to that university’s website compared with competitors. We found that the client’s mobile traffic was roughly half of their competitors.

Mobile was immediately identified as a shortcoming, but we continued to dig deeper. More analysis revealed that not only was traffic lower, the conversion rate, or the number of visitors who actually interacted with the website, was also lacking. Competitors had a conversion rate on mobile that was double desktop, but our client was seeing a conversion rate only 30 percent higher.

Armed with that knowledge, the client knew a key shortcoming in their outreach and was able to target time, energy and resources toward a specific target that would drive results. Can we help you, call us today at 877-434-1828