Reach More. Enroll More.

There is revolution underway in non-traditional and graduate enrollment. Approaches that have been working are no longer getting the same results. The internet, the aftermath of the recession and increased fierce competition has caused seismic and rapid change in higher education. These shifts have created a new type of prospective student executing a new type of college search.

Today’s prospect expects immediate response, so before you tackle anything put lead – to – contact at the top of the list. Speed, follow – up tactics, and professional persistence are critical factors in conversion. While many universities are struggling to grow their non-traditional and graduate programs, many schools are growing and thriving. What are successful enrollment teams doing differently?

In Winning Enrollment Tactics for Growing Graduate and Non-Traditional Programs (Download From Our Resources) we examine strategic factors, tactics and behaviors and share our findings which include:

How enrollment winners are behaving and operating differently in the current landscape.
A summary of key strategic factors, tactics and behaviors of enrollment teams that separate winners and the runner ups.
Distinct interrelated factors and behaviors that set winners apart.
How they win now and position to win in the future
If you would like to grow enrollment, prospect engagement and increase the return on marketing investment this report is a must read. Also, please let us know if you need help in these areas as we have been helping non-profit universities grow since 2008.

Greg Swinhart is a Co-Founder of educationconnex and since 2008 has worked with university partners to grow total enrollment.