Reach More. Enroll More.

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Does any of this sound familiar? You leave for a short vacation only to return to learn you are 70% of where you need to be for the term. What happened? What will you do? Here are critical questions:

1. Which students will enroll?
2. What are the key indicators or measurements that you will use to predict enrollment?
3. What are the conversion ratios for graduate and non-traditional enrollment?
4. Which inquiries produce the most enrollments?
5. How can your team become more predictable?

How can this be avoided?

Leverage analytics: Do you have true visibility into your funnel and can you identify the prospects that have the propensity to start based on historical performance?
Attribution: Are you able to identify and quantify the ad sources that are producing results?
Optimize: Are you able to increase or scale those ad sources and replace less performing, more expensive sources?

The reality is many universities struggle to predict which students will enroll or where their media is performing so lead conversion suffers and colleges struggle.

Contact us today to learn how top universities are using Education Connex to contact, qualify and enroll more students. please let us know if you need help in these areas as we have been helping non-profit universities grow since 2008.

Greg Swinhart is a Co-Founder of Education Connex and since 2008 has worked with university partners to grow total enrollment.

If you need help with the details on the path to converting more leads, call us at 877-434-1828 or email Greg at We’re here to help your university succeed.