Habit 3: Put First Things First
Highly effective advisors plan for their success. They are clear on their role in the organization they realize the tremendous impact each person can make toward the success of the student and university’s mission. They go after their goals and execute their priorities on a daily basis executing tactics that drive success. What does their day look like? They work their hottest prospects first moving from applicants to pending applicants to prospects. They don’t merely manage their time, but manage themselves focusing on the proper relationships and results and that 80 percent of results flow out of 20 percent of activities (Pareto Principle).
The challenge is not to manage time, but to manage ourselves. The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.
These behaviors are present in our team of skilled enrollment professionals. If we can help you grow enrollment, please call us at 877-434-1828 or email gswinhart@educationconnex.com.