Reach More. Enroll More.

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The common strategy to increase enrollment is to increase spending on paid media. While that might be that might be necessary, here are 5 things you can do to increase enrollment without increasing your marketing budget:

1. Capture and attribute every inquiry regardless if it submitted via lead form, live chat or came from an inbound call. It’s remarkable how many schools only capture and attribute a percentage of their leads often missing the best leads – phone calls as a high converting lead type. If you are able to attribute every lead you can measure performance.
2. Optimize your main web site and landing pages to convert on-page, organic traffic. A university’s primary recruitment tool is their web site, so leverage it for inquiry generation.
3. Set up the infrastructure to take inbound calls from 8:30 AM – 7:00 PM. Not a voicemail, but a live person. If you can’t call us and we can help you. We can answer your toll – free number 24×7 and host live chat 24×7. Not only will you increase contact, you will increase inquiries from 15 to 20 percent. The ability to immediately answer all calls is critical as mobile search and Click-to-Call volume is increasing importance
4. Respond immediately to all inquiries. First responders win enrollments. Contact inquiries within 5 minutes. It’s amazing how many schools will spend money on marketing and not call inquiries.
5. Persist and follow up frequently. A minimum of 6 calls.

Contact us today and learn how top universities are using educationconnex to contact, qualify and enroll more students. Since 2008, we have been helping non-profit universities grow enrollment. Please call me at 877-434-1828 or email me at